Funny Way to Say Neat Freak

1. You just do not have time for anyone that doesn't put the toothpaste cap back on properly.

It's just another form of cruelty. Cruelty against neat people.

2. Having a disorganised friend to stay pushes your endurance levels to the limit.

So her shit's all over your bedroom and she's tried on twenty of your tops without putting them back on the hanger again? Totally not stressful at ALL.

3. You pre-clean your hotel room when you're on holiday.

You're a maid's dream come true. But the person you're staying with will probably condemn your actions as "pointless".

4. A trip to Ikea is one of the most exciting things you could possibly put in your diary.

Drawer dividers, shoe hangers, under bed boxes... SO many new organising opportunities it makes your head spin.

5. Your friends can't get over how ridiculously organised your beauty products are.

They could have all this too, if only they tried.

organised beauty products

6. Living with other people is hard when they don't understand your very specific organising system in the kitchen.

"Why is the cheese grater in that cupboard when you know it goes in this drawer? We've been through this."

7. You have a weird aversion to the TV volume being on an 'odd' number.

Odd numbers just have no neat symmetry.

8. You're itching to give your messy friends a makeover.

Like in She's All That, but less about makeup, more about teaching them the many benefits of a tidy sock drawer. Alas some people just cannot be fixed.

9. When your work colleagues ask what your weekend plans are and you substitute 'having a nice deep clean' with a more fun-sounding lie.

I'm going to a gig. And er, bungee-jumping.

10. When something you own breaks, part of you does an excited dance.

No matter how much you loved that something, ANY excuse to throw something out is a reason to celebrate.

Home truth everyone with a December birthday will totally understand


11. You stockpile Flash Wipes and you're not ashamed to admit it.

(Yes they're expensive but those gleaming shiny surfaces are worth every damn penny).

12. Hoarder documentaries are the equivalent of watching a horror film.

So. Much. Unnecessary. Junk. *Hyperventilates*

13. When you can't seem to focus or get motivated at work, you realise it's probably because your empty mug is still on your desk from this morning and it's totally throwing off your Feng Shui.

A little desk-tidy does wonders for the mind.

14. When your friends are still lounging around your house after crashing at yours the night before and you just want them to leave so you can TIDY THE HELL UP.

In the nicest possible way.

15. You're the organiser of your friendship group.

And rest assured, any outings you do organise will be planned to military precision.

monica friends rules fun


16. But you're also the passive aggressive note-writer of your house-share.

Everyone's had one of your poison pen letters. But do they ever listen? NO.

17. You cannot and will not deal with an unmade bed.

Even if you're exhausted and just about to get INTO bed, you'll still spend ages making it up perfectly (including arranging the 47 decorative cushions/mini pillows). Peace at last.

18. If you could choose between a supermarket sweep in Topshop and a supermarket sweep down the cleaning products aisle in Tesco, you know which you'd choose.

Mainly because the post-rummaging wonky hangers in Topshop stress you the hell out.

19. Spring is your fave season, due to spring cleaning.

YOU spring clean all year round, obvs, but it's the only time of year you can go to your friends or family's houses without having an internal panic attack about the hellish mess.

20. Reorganising your wardrobe when the season changes is your favourite thing ever.

Folding, colour-coding and neatly hanging clothes are among your top hobbies.

Cher's wardrobe in Clueless

Paramount Pictures

21. You hate unannounced visitors.

Even though yours is clearly the tidiest house anyone has ever been to, probably ever, you'll still profusely apologise for "the mess" when there's a rogue pair of shoes cluttering up the place.

22. Your local charity shop LOVES you.

A side effect of not hanging onto crap you don't need is that you donate a lot of stuff.

23. You've definitely lost friends over people not using coasters.


24. But on the bright side, you barely ever lose things.

Because unlike the rest of this scatty world, everything you own has it's place.

cheryl cole woo gif


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